no updating on the image caption, alt, desc
Replies: 0 the free version said it will update the image title , caption, desc, alt text for the images in the media library. but when I update, it only update the title, the rest remains no changes....
View Articlecli support
Replies: 0 Hello, We have more than 100,000 Woocommerce product images. Does it support WP-cli to bulk update settings? Thanks
View ArticleQuestion upon image file name
Replies: 0 Hello, I am new to this plugin, and I read a lot at your official site. I noted this plugin handle image Alt, caption, title, description, but only sanitize image file name, but not rename...
View ArticleThere is Extra space before %posttitle%
Replies: 0 Hello, I tried to use %category%, %posttitle%, %tag% – %sitetitle% for description. When I check the output, I noted there is space by default before Post title: Women Fashion backpacks,...
View ArticleSome Error on server
Replies: 1 Hello, There are 140,000 images on our server, and I try to bulk update, it update 5408, and bulk update seems not work then. I try to clean all cache on server, and deactivate the plugin...
View ArticleOption for the oldest upload first or from latest
Replies: 2 Hello, For bulk updating, it would be great if it support an option of the oldest upload first or from latest. You know, mostly, we need only update the latest images. Or, it would be even...
View ArticlePlugin doesn’t works after last update
Replies: 1 Since the last update, whenever I upload an image (an image already renamed on the pc) to an article via Gutenberg’s “Image Block,” the image is uploaded with a standard name (a name that...
View ArticleRemove &
Replies: 0 Hi. I have checked the “Remove ampersand ( & ) from filename” box, but where the product kategori has a &, its still written amp&; in the image descriptions....
View ArticlePreserve existing alt text
Replies: 1 Do images with existing alt text get ignored or replaced?
View ArticleAnyway to bulk erase the Alternative captions?
Replies: 1 Hello, If the images were updated, anyway to bulk erase the Alternative and captions, or update Alternative and captions as empty value? Thanks
View ArticleImage Title not being added to post HTML
Replies: 1 Hi Arun and thanks for the great plugin! I’ve been using the plugin for years now and although the “alt” attribute is being automatically added to the images, I’ve just recently noticed...
View ArticleAdvertising blocks
Replies: 3 Hi, do the pro version exclude advertising blocks of the plugin settings page ? I personnaly cannot stand intrusive plugins which spoil website backoffice. Thanks by advance and regards.
View ArticleAdd alternative text for specific images
Replies: 3 Hi, about 50 percent of my images do not have alt text, and I want the plugin to add alt text only for images that do not have alt text, is there a possibility that the plugin will ignore...
View ArticleRenaming file name based on the post title?
Replies: 0 Hello, Please check the post at The file name of images seems a quite key factor for image seo. In this plugin, automatically...
View ArticleSupport offloaded images
Replies: 0 Hello, We use this plugin to offload image to the cloud storage, specifically, to the Digitialocean Cloud storage at Here is the plugin of WP...
View ArticleMedia Library view-list rows height
Replies: 0 Hi, Whe using media library in view-list mode the rows hight is very large. Tried to override via custom css with no sucess. Did some tests with only the plug-in “Auto Image Attributes From...
View ArticleIf you uninstall or deactivate this plugin, are the image properties preserved?
Replies: 1 If we decide to uninstall or deactivate this plugin, are the ALT, title, caption etc settings that were created by the plugin preserved. Would not want to lose all that good image property...
View ArticleVersion 4.3 and 4.4 are bugged in image uploading
Replies: 0 Good morning, I have been using your plugin (both normal and Pro version) for several years and with good results. Unfortunately, since version 4.3 I have a big problem that has remained as...
View ArticleBulk update always updating the same image
Replies: 1 Hi there, the plugin is great and works well in theory, with a nice and simple UI and no useless things stuffed in it. Anyway, I am having an issue with 4.4 with bulk update because it’s...
View ArticleMedia images are updated with alt text, but in actual posts it is not updated.
Replies: 1 Hello Support, I have used and run the “Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater” plugin in WordPress, and in my Media folder I can see that all the images have been...
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